User Submitted – Wished to remain Anonymous

I work at a small town country club that is surrounded by mostly rural areas.  As with most areas, there are stereotypes associated with people that live in these areas.  This story stems from exactly those stereotypes.

The Manager at the Country Club I work at is a straight man but a soft spoken man and at times effeminate (he would often make serious comments about food going to his hips, etc.).  The country club was seated back from the main roads probably about a quarter of a mile but was not inaccessible to the public by any means.

The club is private to members, but like most restaurant / entertainment venues, we have our busy times; this story takes place during the most common of those busy events: Dinner.

One Saturday, (This is consistently the busiest time for Dinner) some of the members that were eating complained they were hearing barking close by.  The Waitress they complained to went to investigate.  She walked downstairs from the dining areas into the lobby; she saw a man in a dirty tank-top, a trucker hat, oil-covered jeans, and missing teeth, being pulled toward the door by two dogs on leashes.  The man opened the door and brought the two dogs into the lobby.

The Waitress told the man that he was not able to be in the club because it was private.  The man told her that he would go wherever the f*** he pleased; meanwhile his dogs continued to sniff around the lobby barking intermittently.  The Waitress left to get the Manager.

The Manager rushed to the lobby to confront the man.  He had a hushed tone but was animatedly telling the man he must leave.  During the conversation one of the dogs peed in a plant near the door.  The Manager lost his temper and began to yell at the man; the man began yelling back and even pulled up his tank-top exposing a gun in his waistline to the Manager.

When the man pulled up his shirt, he let go of the dogs leashes.  The dogs, scared from the altercation, ran up the stairs and into the dining area.  The Manager and the man ran after the dogs as they rampaged through a crowded dining area.  The Waitress that originally talked to the man knew that there was leftover Turkey Bolognese from a buffet the night before; she began yelling excitedly to the Manager as they chased the dogs, “Someone get the Turkey Bolognese!!”

The Manager eventually got the dogs shooed out of a back door.  The man was too busy chasing the dogs to worry about the Manager or being in the club anymore.  The Manager called the Police on the man but that was the last we had seen or heard from him to this day.