Did you ever work with a coworker that you wondered what they were doing with most of their day? Well I did! The story below will make you shake your head and wonder why anyone would say that on a work-related conference call.

The company I worked for at the time didn’t have a central office area. That meant we worked partially at home and the other half was spent at the customer’s site. Every morning around 9:30am we would have a conference call which would include all my coworkers and upper management.

My one coworker always seemed to get out of doing work and seemed very lazy. If you asked her to complete something in her area it would take forever for her to complete the work. It felt like she was doing something else instead of doing the work that she should have been doing. Then one morning on the conference call it became clearer that she wasn’t doing her work. Mine you this was a day that she was scheduled to work and didn’t take a personal day. Half way through the call she said the following, “we almost done with this call! I have to take my brownies out of the oven and take them over to my church”. There was silence on the call. I was on mute saying to myself, “WHAT? WHAT?”. I believe everyone was just stunned that she had the nerve to say that on the conference call and didn’t know what to say. After a short moment of silence, the conference call continued like nothing was said. To this day I have no clue how she didn’t get fired.