This is another marketing scheme that was concocted at the casino.  The giveaway was not all too popular however it was a cash giveaway of over $15,000 and a smart car.  The car was brought into the casino and parked on a platform for the duration of the promotion. The marketing team wanted to display their promotion proudly within the casino.  Fine. In this case who wouldn’t?
The Kicker: Marketing decided to put the bricks of cash in the car to make everyone excited.  Not fake bricks with a single bill in the front. All of the cash that they had planned on giving away…and they didn’t lock the doors to the car.  I know where you think this story is going but it isn’t. Sadly the money did not get stolen by anyone before the cash was taken out of the car (hours after it was put in).  The marketing people in charge of concocting all of these ridiculously bad ideas would keep their jobs another day due to the good sense of others.