This is part 2 that lists the excuses that Kevin provided when he didn’t show up to work, left work early or came into work late. These are in the order in which they happened. Enjoy!

Unexpectedly Left Work

Kevin showed up for working and was sitting in his normal spot. I had to run out to fix a problem that only took 20 minutes to fix but by the time I got back Kevin and his bag were gone. He never provided a reason or stated he may need to leave early but rather just disappeared.


Argument About Baby

Kevin didn’t show up for work again and the next day he stated the reason was due to an argument with his parents. Come to find out him and his girlfriend were expecting a baby; an unplanned baby that neither of them really wanted. His parents were arguing with him because they didn’t think either of them were mature enough to keep the child.


Forgot Badge

Kevin showed up a couple hours late and gave us the excuse that he drove into work but then realized that he forgot his badge to get in. Instead of asking security to badge him in he decided it would be best to drive home and get the badge.


Dry Heaves

Noticed Kevin and his bag disappeared only 3.5 hours into the night. Was told by coworkers that Kevin claimed he had dry heaves and needed to go home. Kevin also called in sick the next day.


Sitting with Cat

Kevin sent us an email several hours after he should have been at work stating:

“Hey guys, sorry I can’t make it in. I’m still waiting to get picked up with my cat I don’t know exactly what time. I will find a way to make it up to you guys I promise I’m really not trying to let you guys down. ): “. The next day we found out that he took his cat to the vet for a checkup but didn’t have a ride home. He ended up sitting on the curb in front of the vet waiting for someone to pick him up.

Left Work Early

Kevin left halfway through the shift and stated that my boss was made aware of this early departure. Another coworker asked my boss the next morning if he received any notification that Kevin was leaving early. My boss replied that he didn’t have any knowledge of this nor did he receive any type of communication from Kevin.

Forgot Backpack

Kevin showed up to work 30 minutes late because he forgot his backpack and needed to drive home to pick it up.

Moving into Apartment

With no prior notification Kevin didn’t come into work because he needed to move his stuff into his new apartment.

Waiting for Comcast

Kevin never showed up for work and never gave any prior notification to anyone. The reason he didn’t come in that night was because he was waiting for the Comcast technician to come to hook up his cable.

Called in Sick

My boss texted us stating that Kevin called him to say he wouldn’t be coming in because he was sick.

Still Sick

Kevin never notified anyone that he wasn’t coming in but apparently, he was still sick.

No Show

Kevin never showed up or gave a reason why he didn’t come into work

Diagnosed with Mononucleosis (Mono)

Our boss notified us via email that Kevin wouldn’t be in that night because he was diagnosed with mono. However, the next day my boss allowed Kevin to come into work even though he would still be considered infectious. My coworker and I were very disturbed that our boss allowed Kevin to come into work even though he was still infectious. We didn’t want Kevin anywhere near us, so we sent him up to sit in a conference room for an entire week. When our boss came in the next morning he asked why Kevin was sitting alone in a conference room upstairs. With a straight face, I told my boss since Kevin was still infectious and since he didn’t mind that Kevin came into work, I had him sit at his desk the entire night. However, I had him move over to the conference room in the morning before he came into work. My boss’s facial expression was very rewarding specially after he allowed Kevin to come into work.


No Show

Kevin never showed up for work or told us why he didn’t come in.

Out Drinking with Mom

Kevin never showed up for work on a Wednesday but sent the following message to our boss several hours after the shift started:

 “I didn’t make it in tonight, I tried to email you a lot earlier but had no service. It’s my birthday and my mom took me to dinner and we were drinking, she doesn’t want me driving so she took my keys. Sorry I couldn’t get ahold of you earlier “.

Kevin later told us that he tried to come into work even though he was out drinking with his mom. Apparently, he didn’t know the company had a strict policy of zero alcohol in your system when you come to work.

Heavy Traffic

Kevin showed up 45 minutes late due to heavy traffic. I checked the local roads for any accidents but couldn’t find any. There normal is not much traffic at 7:30pm on a weekday. Not to mention 300+ other people made it into work on time without a single problem.

Grandma’s Oxygen Tank

Received an email from Kevin stating:

Hey John and Sam! Sending this email to let you guys know I’m going to be late comming in tonight, no I don’t have a cool story to back me up sorry John lol. I’m heading to Gettysburg with my girlfriend and grandma for an air tank I don’t know the actual name for it, it’s just a breathing tank with oxygen in it, for my Grandma that’s breathing just fine right now without it… “

Kevin never did come into work that night even after sending that email. I am also pretty sure they have companies that can deliver oxygen tanks for people.

Out Sick

Kevin sent us an email stating he wasn’t coming into work because he was sick. Below is his email to us:


 I realize how this may look on me right now, but I need to stay home tonight. I want to be there but am feeling terrible right now, vomiting with other stuff… you may hate me but what ever I have I do not want to see you all get it. I don’t even know if it is contageous because I feel somewhat ok except for running to the bathroom every 10 minutes and sweating constantly. If you feel that this is no excuse please reply back to me and I will come in as fast as possible, but if not you may continue to hate me. Sorry for letting you down..”


Girlfriend Called

His girlfriend called, and he had to leave work at lunch time to help her.


Kevin never showed up for work or notified anyone that he was not going to come into work that night. Found out later that he needed to take his pregnant girlfriend to get an ultrasound done the next day.

Unexpectedly Left

Kevin unexpectedly left without telling anyone at lunch time.

Help Veterans

Kevin worked half the night and told us right before he left at lunch time that he was going to leave so he could wake up the next morning to help some veterans.

Late Again

Kevin showed up 30 minutes late and didn’t have a reason.

Locked Car Keys in Car

Kevin didn’t show-up or tell us he wasn’t coming into work that night. He stated he locked everything including his keys in his car. However, we believe it was because his replacement was due to come in for the first time.